Sex Therapist & Relationship Therapist + Neurodivergent Support

Looking for a sex therapist? If you’re here, you might be facing challenges with sex, your body, or your relationship. Our intimate lives can be complex and often misunderstood. As a sex therapist, I can help bring clarity to the confusion, enabling you to better understand yourself and enhance the quality of your sex life and relationships.

Personalised Support from a COSRT Sex Therapist

I work alongside individuals and couples to navigate your challenges together. My approach is compassionate, free of excessive therapy talk, and tailored to your unique needs. Whether you’re struggling with intimacy, desire discrepancies, sexual dysfunction, or other sexual issues, I provide a safe and non-judgmental space to explore these topics.

Benefits of  Seeing A Sex Therapist

Sex therapy can offer numerous benefits, including improved communication, a better understanding of your desires and boundaries, and enhanced intimacy with your partner/s. By addressing these issues, you can build a more fulfilling and satisfying sexual relationship. Investing in your sexual and relational health can lead to a happier, more connected life.

Neurodivergent Support in Sex Therapy

Additionally, I am trained in neurodivergent wellbeing. If your brain diverges from the mainstream, I can help you understand and meet your unique needs to stay well. Neurodivergent individuals often face unique challenges in their intimate lives, and I am here to provide specialised support and strategies tailored to your specific circumstances.

A Welcoming Environment

Entering into therapy can be scary – I do all that I can to create a calm, welcoming environment. I believe in creating a collaborative relationship where you feel heard and respected. My goal as a sex therapist is to empower you with the tools and insights needed to overcome your challenges and achieve your personal and relational goals.

Where to Start

You can book a free telephone consultation with me here to see if we’re a good fit. During this consultation, we can discuss your concerns, answer any questions you may have, and outline a potential therapy plan.

Sessions start at £90.00 and are available on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly.

